Saturday, July 30, 2011

Last Day

Well yesterday was my last day of work. It was extremely hard to leave. I love that little girl so much!! I've become so close with the family I worked with and I'm going to miss them so much.

Leaving work means we are getting so close to basic. It doesn't feel real. I have 5 short weeks from Monday. I still have a ton to do.

Getting Marriage License
Get Transcripts
Get wedding ring looked at
Hair cut
Work out ALOT
Change diet
Quit caffiene
Change sleeping pattern.
Last Endo apt

All of these things will have to wait another week thought because were going on VACA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We leave Monday for 5 days in St Augustine. We are super excited! It's been along time since Chris and I have been out of town alone together and I think this may be the longest trip alone we've taken, including our honeymoon. Thats sad since it's only 5 days! Oh well. I'm just looking forward to having some stress free alone time with my love. We have lots of fun things planned, a hotel on the beach, a hot tub in our room, and good friends to see. I'm so excited!!!! It'll be nice and it's very much needed, however at the end of it I have a ton of work to do and that sucks! Oh well it'll be all good!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tuesday - 56 days.

56 days till I ship
17 days till my last day of work.

Lordwilling the week after I quit well be able to go on vacation, however when moneys tight it all comes down to the bitter end so well see. I'm thinking if Chris gets this job he's hoping to (won't hear till next Monday or Tuesday) then we should be good to go. It's just rough cause I know that I won't get paid for the first three or four weeks I'm at basic so we gotta make up that time now.

I feel like we've come so far and yet we are so far away from leaving. Every day I think of something else that needs to be done before I leave. I'm feelin pretty stressed.

I've gotten back to the gym and man am I sore. It's a good sore though. I'm pushing thru. I've got to start cutting out caffeine soon and then soda all together. Then I gotta work on no more snacking.

I feel like things are closing in on me. I feel like everything is happening so fast and it's starting to freak me out. I've wanted to leave TODAY, right now for so long and now it's so close I'm kinda gettin scared. First time I've said that out loud. Anyways, I'm strong, I'll be ok. When I'm done working things will slow down alot...I hope!

Missing my hubby (he's in Tampa for the night before the GRE tomorrow). If I miss him this much for one night how will I make it thur 3 months. MAN now I wanna cry. This is gonna be really hard!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To do list

20 days till my last day of work.
17-41 days I have to take my PT test.
42 Days till my final weight in (must be the same I weighted in at MEPS...ahhhhh)

Need to get

My transcrips
Copy of Marriage Licence
Medical Records (Endo and Reproductive)

Here about the time I quite my job I'm gonna start dropping caffine. I think I'll switch to decafe first and then cut out coke all together. Not looking forward to that. I'm also going to try to stop snacking between meals. A couple weeks before I leave I'm gonna try and change my clock also and start gettin up at 5 and going to bed at 9. YUCK!

I feel like theres more to do but I can't think of anything else.

2 months!

2 Months
62 Days
8 Weeks

How is it July??

Once we get down to 45 days left I'll have to take my PT test, which I know I can pass but I feel very unprepared. I haven't been hitting up the gym as much as I should. I had the whole horrible leg sunburn, now super sore from softball and my really messed up my hi. I think I'm gonna have to just push thru the pain and hope I don't hurt myself further.

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. I sure am happy to be an American. Althought Not Guilty sure did suck! Even thought I think the state did a crummy job so murder and I can understand but the rest COME ON!