Saturday, July 30, 2011

Last Day

Well yesterday was my last day of work. It was extremely hard to leave. I love that little girl so much!! I've become so close with the family I worked with and I'm going to miss them so much.

Leaving work means we are getting so close to basic. It doesn't feel real. I have 5 short weeks from Monday. I still have a ton to do.

Getting Marriage License
Get Transcripts
Get wedding ring looked at
Hair cut
Work out ALOT
Change diet
Quit caffiene
Change sleeping pattern.
Last Endo apt

All of these things will have to wait another week thought because were going on VACA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We leave Monday for 5 days in St Augustine. We are super excited! It's been along time since Chris and I have been out of town alone together and I think this may be the longest trip alone we've taken, including our honeymoon. Thats sad since it's only 5 days! Oh well. I'm just looking forward to having some stress free alone time with my love. We have lots of fun things planned, a hotel on the beach, a hot tub in our room, and good friends to see. I'm so excited!!!! It'll be nice and it's very much needed, however at the end of it I have a ton of work to do and that sucks! Oh well it'll be all good!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I found you!!! I was thinking about you a few days ago as DH & I were watching a program (I think it was called Homecoming) where army soldiers returned from active duty and surprised their loved ones. We both got very emotional even though the only person I know who has anything to do with the army is YOU!

    Hoping you are going through your list of to dos and crossing things off. I really missed you in the blog space, but glad I found your new blog and can follow your adventures as an army person, just please keep safe.
